Harpo Jaeger dot com

Musical endeavours

As part of my ongoing quest to listen to every song in my iTunes library, I have changed the way my iPhone syncs. It now contains only songs that I have not played. When I play a song, it is removed from the iPhone and replaced by a new song the next time I sync with iTunes. Theoretically, this will force me to listen to new music, potentially expanding the amount I know, and allowing me to free up space by deletig music I don’t like.
Since my sister and I share the same iTunes library, I have come up with a way for us to track which songs we both want to delete. I created two “Delete” playlists, one for each of us, and a smart playlist that shows only those songs that are on both lists. We can now both add music to our own playlist individually, and delete music that we know neither of us wants to keep.
I will probably write further posts about the status of my quest.