Harpo Jaeger dot com


This is actually about something that happened to me on Thursday. I have had a rather terrible cough for about a week and a half now, and before I left for Saratoga Springs to pick up my father I stopped as CVS to get some cough medicine. Upon bringing a bottle of Tussin DM, the CVS house brand knockoff of Robitussin, up to the front counter, the cashier said “Can I see some ID?”. Stunned, I said, no, because I’m under 18, and then asked why on earth I needed to be 18 to buy cough medicine. The cashier informed me that kids are apparently now doing what he called “Robitripping” – chugging cough syrup. I asked if he could let me off, since I had been coughing constantly and extremely audibly during the few minutes I was in the store. He told me it was his fourth day on the job. The upshot of it was that I had to pay someone else to buy my cough medicine for me. It was utterly humiliating.