Harpo Jaeger dot com

Happy new year

I had an excellent day yesterday. It was very good to have a rest and not have to do anything or go anywhere. I even took a nap, which is something I haven’t done in a long time.
We ended up not going to synagogue on Monday night, but we did go Tuesday morning. The rabbi’s sermon was excellent; it focused on the idea of anger as a tool of empathy. The main thing he talked about was veterans of the war in Iraq and how he had heard the stories of many of their families. He said that this had inspired anger for the fact that they were going through what they were, and empathy for the many others who were as well. I liked his point that anger and empathy were the two components of social change, or religious action. Although I sometimes don’t feel that connected to my synagogue, I do like the rabbi very much, and he always has something interesting to say.
We went to our friends’ house for dinner, which was also most enjoyable. I didn’t end up getting to bed until around eleven, but I feel rested after such a slow day, and I’m ready to be back in the thick of things at school.
When we returned home from dinner last night I briefly checked my email and read the news efore going to bed. It was an interesting experience. Normally I am on the computer rather constantly, and although I don’t think I’m “addicted” to it, like people who have to compulsively check Facebook or something all the time, it had been great to have a day off. When I then returned to the computer, I had things a little more in perspective; it was easier to feel like the computer was a tool to use, rather than a force to contend with. I enjoy having it or my iPwn there to use, as it lets me keep in touch with people, feel up to date with the news, blog, etc., but it’s nice to know that I don’t need it, or at least to have a material manifestation of this concept.