Harpo Jaeger dot com

Never again

I have finished my final standardized test. I will NEVER take the SAT or ACT again.
I have a bunch of homework to do this afternoon before heading up to Will’s for the rest of the weekend. I am excited to have some time off from my normal, hectic, college-laden life.
In completely random news, WordPress 2.7 is now available. WordPress is a popular blog and Content Management System; I use it for this site. The new version is still in beta, and there doesn’t appear to be a MU (multi-user) version yet. Since I use MU on this site, I am probably going to have to wait about another month, when the development team predicts it will be out of beta, but I’m very excited.
This season’s Mock Trial case comes out on Monday, which means that our school’s team (of which I am a member) is getting ready to kick into gear. We have a lot of work to do, and I am very glad I have college stuff out of the way before this all starts.