Harpo Jaeger dot com

Hell's Trannies

Apparently the store where I work was robbed yesterday. Nothing big, just a cheap camera, and it was quickly recovered. But here’s the great part: It was robbed by a group of transvestites. Several of them distracted the guy behind the counter while another jacked the camera; a low-end Canon that was on the display floor. The owner had figured no one would bother stealing such a cheap product, but apparently these people didn’t think it through very carefully.
But wait. It gets even better. Immediately after this occurred, the sales manager’s girlfriend came into the shop. The guys on hand were just figuring out what had happened, and she ran out the door to see if she could see where they went. She followed them to the library, and called the police. But it turned out she had followed The Wrong Group of transvestites! Where else but Northampton would you follow The Wrong Group of Transvestites?
When I heard about this this morning when I came in, I said, “Sounds like you had a run-in with Hell’s Trannies!”.