Harpo Jaeger dot com


My house is very quiet, as all of my friends have left. I am actually enjoying the silence very much. I like having people here, and we had an awesome time, but I am exhausted.

Last night was awesome. We went to all kinds of shows, ending with Zoe Darrow, a fabulous local fiddle player, and the Gypsy Wranglers, a fabulous local folk/swing band. There was much dancing. Then we watched the ball raising (it goes up instead of down here for some reason), and walked home. We stayed up for a while hanging out, and then went to bed. I had to get up 6:30 to drive someone to the train station, so I got very little sleep. But it was worth it; I was glad to spend some time with my friends and be in town a lot.

After having a long discussion with several friends about the continuing situation in Gaza, I have a lot to think about. One of the issues we touched on was that for every settler who has actively usurped land from its rightful owner, there are those who have been born there, and have lived there all their life. Do we have a right to take that land from them? Ultimately, I think the answer is still yes, but there are complications. What did that person do to deserve having their property confiscated?