Harpo Jaeger dot com

Welcome to the working week

Man, what an exhausting couple of days. Between two full time work days (another tomorrow), Mock Trial, and the first episode of Joss Whedon’s new show, Dollhouse, I am wiped out.

Recently I have been doing a lot of thinking about what the purpose of blogging is. I am still not sure. I know that I find it interesting because of the potential to act as both an extroverted and introverted journal simultaneously, but there is a lot of other potential, and a lot of other considerations. For instance, does one target the entries towards other people, or should it be more of a picture of what the author is thinking? Are they mutually exclusive? Ultimately I don’t think they are, but there’s a fine line between revealing your thoughts and acting like other people don’t exist.

I think I will probably write some more about this topic in the future.