Harpo Jaeger dot com


My academic load is finally starting to lighten up, for a variety of reasons. This morning, I turned in my joint honors paper for Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, under the title “British Finance and the Development of the Gold Standard”. Having that off our backs leaves us with having to plan the simulation we are going to run with the class to demonstrate some of the principles we studied. Students in the class will take on the role of merchants, buying and selling goods and currency, and attempting to make profit as regulatory and financial systems change. The simulation is pretty complicated, and we are turning in the plans for it on Wednesday.

I have, after much thought, decided not to do the AP Physics C exams. There is too much work remaining, and I have not done enough this year. I’m still going to try to finish my independent math study, but since that doesn’t have an AP exam attached to it, it should be significantly easier. I will need to kick it into gear, though, because I graduate in less than a month (AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!). As of Friday, I will be done with Spanish, when I will have my presentation/evaluation with the head of the World Languages department and a Spanish teacher who will be assessing my independent work. I am expecting that to go well.

Up until now, I’ve been assigned to write a one-act play as a normal part of my Playwriting class, an another one-act for Honors in that class, as a collaboration between the Theater and History departments. That one-act would be used as a curriculum piece in the Holocaust Studies class in the Holocaust Rescue unit. However, after consulting with the teachers of those classes (who are the department heads), we’ve decided to make those two one-acts the same. In other words, the normal one-act I do for Playwriting will be the collaboration. The Playwriting teacher has also said that if it works well, he will not have a problem giving me Honors Credit, because of the collaboration and research aspects which would not be required in the normal one-act assignment. Once I get a good plot locked down, it should be pretty easy to write.

We have a Frisbee game tomorrow against Four Rivers. They are an excellent team. So are we. It is going to be an epic game.