Harpo Jaeger dot com


Prom was last night. I had a fabulous time. I have decided that whatever lies in my future, I want it to involve the regular donning of tails. They are pretty awesome.

In somewhat less personal and more important news, the Waxman-Markey bill is generating quite a splash in the House. The New York Times‘ blog Green Inc.has an excellent post detailing some of the reactions to the bill. I’m worried by its claim that the bill is going to meet opposition from the House Agriculture Committee. Special interests in Congress need to realize that they are going to be negatively affected by the effects of global warming no matter what. We’re talking about epic shifts in societal organization, from top to bottom. Geographically, the earth is going to change, and humans will be forced to deal with the effects of those changes. Whether or not we’re ready is what will, I believe, ultimately determine the long-term ability of our species to survive and prosper.

Pushing against serious and meaningful measures to counteract and deal with global warming is right now one of the least constructive things anyone can do. Once the public really comes to realize that, politicians are going to have to shape up. When a politician drags their feet on an issue that their constituents recognize as serious, they don’t last.