Harpo Jaeger dot com

Obama's best speech yet

Tonight’s health care speech was solidly the best speech I’ve ever seen Obama deliver. He backed the public option. He called out the liars. He put forward a plan. And he did it without sacrificing bipartisianship. He conceded tort reform, supported an individual mandate, and mentioned the people who’ve worked with Kennedy across the aisle.

The speech had exactly the right mix of stubbornness with regard to morals and understanding of GOP positions. But he also wasn’t afraid to condemn those who don’t have any interest in reform. People who have legitimate concerns will be heard, now, as ever. People who don’t won’t be invited to negotiate.

To the supporters: Keep your minds open and your morals strong.

To the opposers: Bring us your concerns and we’ll work through them together.

To the naysayers: Your time is over. Get out.

This is the bottom line. Reform now.