Harpo Jaeger dot com

I need a name!

As you might have noticed, I’m making some large-ish changes to this site. As I find that blogging is becoming a bigger and bigger part of how I think about issues, I’ve made this site much more about the blog. Looking at some of my favorite blogs, I’ve tried to present more relevant content to people, and made the site less formally separated. I felt that those separations weren’t doing much good, and it would be better to have more information about me, still cleanly organized (I hope) and easy-to-access.

So I think the site needs a name. Rather than just being “harpojaeger.com”, I want to come up with something to call the blog that makes sense, that communicates the sort of things it might be about. College, politics, religion, culture, and so on.

If you notice the site has weird names in the near future, it may just be because I’m trying things out to see how I like them. I could imagine myself changing the name (and probably adding a subtitle) and letting it sit for a few days to see what it looks like. I’d appreciate feedback if you have ideas or thoughts.

Stay tuned for more…